NYBG Online Class: Dendrology: Woody Plant Identification

Tri-State Events

Dendrology: Woody Plant Identification
This class will take place online. Registered students will receive login instructions.

From towering tulip trees to creeping partridge berries, woody plants make up the forests of the Northeast. Learn to identify trees, shrubs, and woody vines by their vegetative characteristics, using their scientific and common names. The focus is on both native and naturalized species, as well as some ofthe most commonly planted in New York City. Class meets outdoors, rain or shine. Bring a hand lens 10x or greater.

Schedule: Every week on Saturday, starting on 04/18/20 and ending on 05/30/20 (excluding 05/23/20)
Times: 10:30am - 01:30pm
Instructor: James Kaechele
Location: Online