Jeff Jabco - Reflections on a Career: Forty Years of Horticulture - and Many More to Come!

MHG Meetings

Sponsored By: Metro Hort Group

In this illustrated lecture, Jeff Jabco, Coordinator of Horticulture for the Scott Arboretum of Swarthmore College for over 25 years, will reflect on the changes in gardening—especially in public horticulture—during that time. What has caused these changes? Fashion? Knowledge? Economy? Awareness of nature? From clematis trials, green roofs, rose evaluations, sustainable landscape management, an understanding of soil, and traveling to gardens around the world—all of these have influenced Jeff’s take on gardening in this day and age. He will reflect on what happens at the Scott Arboretum, at Longwood Gardens where he is an instructor, and in his home garden that he shares with Chanticleer’s Joe Henderson.

In his position as Director of Grounds and Coordinator of Horticulture at the Scott Arboretum Jeff Jabco oversees the College’s 360 acres and the maintenance and development of its plant collections, gardens, and natural areas. He has been an instructor at Longwood Gardens since 1985 and was named Teacher of the Year in 2009 by the North American Colleges and Teachers of Agriculture. Jeff writes for Fine Gardening magazine, Green Scene, the Pennsylvania Horticultural Society’s magazine, American Nurseryman, The Hybrid, a quarterly publication of the Scott Arboretum and the International Clematis Society’s journal. He is co-founder and vice president of the Mid-Atlantic Peony Society and serves on the board of the International Clematis Society.