ANNIE S. WHITE, PhD - How Native Plant Cultivars Affect Pollinators
MHG Meetings
Sponsored By: Metro Hort Group
Tuesday, November 17th
6:00pm–7:00pm — “Doors” open at 5:45pm
PLEASE NOTE: Registration is required to attend virtual meetings. Details below.
How Native Plant Cultivars Affect Pollinators
Annie S. White, PhD
Initiatives to enhance pollinator habitat are widespread. Native plant species are most often recommended to provide optimal foraging and nesting habitats for bees and other insects. The growing demand for native plants, coupled with the horticulture industry’s desire for plants with unique characteristics, has led to the increased selection, breeding, and availability of native cultivars. But are native cultivars as valuable in pollinator habitat gardens as the straight native species? Annie White will help answer this question, by sharing the results of four years of field data collection, measuring pollinator preference for native species versus native cultivars.
Annie White is an Ecological Landscape Designer and the owner of Nectar Landscape Design Studio in Stowe, Vermont. She is also a full-time Lecturer of Landscape Design at the University of Vermont. Annie earned an MS in Landscape Architecture from the University of Wisconsin—Madison in 2005 and a PhD in Plant & Soil Science from The University of Vermont in 2016. She is passionate about designing cutting-edge and science-based pollinator-friendly habitats at all scales—from urban backyards to rural agricultural landscapes.
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Pre-registration is required.
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Deadline to Register: *90 minutes before meeting start-time