Dan Segal - Native Plants in the Real World

MHG Meetings

Sponsored By: Metro Hort Group

Native Plants in the Real World

Only with native plants do we have an opportunity to visit and observe these plants on their own turf. This provides us an experienced based understanding that gives us more confidence and ability to use native plants effectively and successfully. Using all original photos and blending over 20 years of experience in field botany, native plant nursery production, ecological restoration, and the pursuit of happiness, Dan Segal will give us a unique perspective on the use of native plants. He will also explain how the nursery industry, with its appetites and habits, limits what plants are readily available for horticultural use.

Dan has worked with native plants in California, New York, and the Mid-Atlantic states. His experience includes the study of plant geography and paleobotany at UC Davis, as well as extensive work in field botany, ecological restoration, nursery production, and native horticulture. After managing Pinelands Nursery for 5 years, Dan became the owner of The Plantsmen Nursery in 2006. He lives with his wife, Sarah, and 3 children, just outside of Ithaca, New York. www.plantsmen.com